head shot of Mrs. Sanders in her classroom

From Struggling Reader to WS SiteTeacher of the Year 2024: Darsea Sanders' Inspiring Story of Resilience and Dedication

In Claremore's tight-knit community at Westside Elementary, a teacher stands out for an educational approach that goes beyond standard classroom teaching. Darsea Sanders, recently honored as the Site Teacher of the Year, embodies dedication, innovation, and compassion. Her story is one of resilience, passion, and an unwavering commitment to literacy and personal growth, making her a distinguished candidate for the District Teacher of the Year for Claremore Public Schools.

Darsea's journey, a testament to the transformative power of education, was inspired by love and literacy. Her path to becoming an educator was paved with books and encouragement from her mother, an avid reader and a single mom, who instilled in her a love for stories and learning. Her early struggles with reading and self-esteem were met with the unwavering support of her first-grade teacher, Mrs. Eastham, who helped ignite her confidence and set her on a path of academic and personal discovery. These pivotal experiences fueled Darsea's passion for teaching, especially literacy, leading her to pursue a double major in elementary and early childhood education. 

Imrs sanders in reading circle with student and hands raisedn an era where literacy is both a privilege and a challenge, Darsea is a crusader at the forefront of the fight against illiteracy, armed with the Science of Reading. She emphasizes the crucial role of structured literacy in education, advocating for systematic, explicit, and evidence-based instruction. Her classroom is a testament to her commitment, where phonics rules, syllable types, and the love of reading blossom under her guidance. Through her efforts, Darsea elevates her students, colleagues, and the district's curriculum, reflecting her belief in continuous learning and improvement.

At the heart of Darsea's teaching philosophy lies the profound connection between educator and student. She is building a community, one child at a time - understanding that her students' emotional well-being and personal backgrounds are paramount beyond academic achievements. Her classroom is a sanctuary where trust, collaboration, and individual growth are nurtured. Morning meetings, one-on-one conferences, and a culture of mutual respect and accountability are the cornerstones of their thriving community, where every student is recognized for their unique strengths and potential.

Darsea Sanders represents the epitome of educational excellence and dedication in Claremore Public Schools. Her leadership in literacy education, participation in the Reading League, and contributions to state-level educational committees underscore her dedication to advancing the teaching profession and inspiring others with her knowledge and passion.

Her story vividly illustrates how caring, knowledgeable, and skilled teachers can make a difference in students' lives, inspiring them to reach their full potential. As the community of Claremore looks to the future, they can take pride in having educators like Darsea, whose life's work illuminates the path for the next generation of learners and leaders.