CHS Art Feature

This is Alexa Floures Escudero, a national award-winning artist going into her Junior year at CHS. We met with her to gain insight into the inspiration behind her pieces and her artistic journey.

🎨 what did it mean to you to have multiple pieces of art in the show? And to also win ribbons?
"For me, it meant a lot because I felt like I finally found something I’m good at, and I also felt like all the effort I put into my art was worth it. "

🎨 What was the artistic journey that brought you into art?
"When I was young, I didn’t do art at all, but I enjoyed making posters and 3D landscapes. Later on, was when I started doing little sketches and doodles. After that was when my brother started teaching me how to draw, and that’s when I practiced different techniques and different art supplies. In art class, I was really able to start creating."

🎨 When did you first discover your interest in art?
"Well, since I was young, my older brother used to be into art, and I remember he used to show me how to draw, and once I moved to the United States, the only thing we could do together was draw together while FaceTiming. I think that’s when I started enjoying art, and that was the reason I chose art as one of my elective classes. That’s when, thanks to Mrs. Hoffer’s help, I discovered I was actually good at it."

🎨 What have you learned about yourself through this experience/art?
"I have learned to express myself creatively through my art. I learn that even though I’m an impatient person, I like to add a lot of details to my work even though it takes more time. Also, I discovered that I’m really interested in knowing more about different cultures and knowing the history behind those cultures."

🎨 How did it feel getting to see people admire your work/talent?
"I felt really proud of myself because before, I didn’t like people seeing my art because I thought I wasn’t good enough, but now I realize that art doesn’t have to be perfect for people to enjoy it, and seeing that people enjoy my work really makes me want to do more pieces." 

🎨 What was the inspiration behind your pieces? (In order of artwork attached)
"The inspiration behind my pieces and the reason I made them was that when I was about 8 years old, I used to go to a lot of charreadas; seeing the Charras with their beautiful clothes while riding a horse made me want to be an Escaramuza/Charra one day. While other girls wanted to be a princess when they grew up, I wanted to be an Escaramuza."

Alexa plans on continuing her artistic career and creating a series/portfolio featuring pieces significant to Hispanic culture. Her current pieces are just the beginning of the series.