Roosa celebrated Veterans today at a school-wide assembly. Each grade showered the Veterans with appreciation by singing or reciting a poem. The Honor Choir sang a song that honored each branch of the Service. Thank you to all our visitors and all the hard work from the students and staff! #CPSZEBRAPRIDE
over 5 years ago, CPS Communications
Veterans Day at Roosa
Veterans Day at Roosa
As people march in parades, wave their flags, salute their soldiers, and speak of the sacrifices the men and women of our armed forces today, we are taking the time to honor the staff of Claremore Public Schools that have served our great nation. We also acknowledge their calling and continued service the future of this nation as teachers and influencers here where we are shaping the next generation. Here's to the four service women at CPS: Darla Meisinger, Karen Olari, Lisa Puglsey and Brandy Albert. Give them a #CPSZEBRAPRIDE shout-out below for their service.
over 5 years ago, CPS Communications
Veterans Day Tribute to CPS Staff
We will never be able to repay the debt we owe the brave men and women who have served in the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, and Coast Guard. But today on Veterans Day, we set aside some time to commemorate those that have served and those that continue to serve so we can sit in this school and learn about the freedoms their sacrifices have bestowed on us. Let us learn from their courage, sacrifice, faithfulness, reliability, self-discipline, and motivation. THANK YOU to Claremore Public Schools Staff, who have served and continue to serve our great nation. Our first three are: Commander Murry Estabrook, Steve Janke, and Chief Skip Jasper. Show them a little #CPSZEBRAPRIDE and appreciation in the comments below.
over 5 years ago, CPS Communications
Veterans Day Tribute
To all the proud MEN AND WOMEN who have served or are currently serving our Armed Services we say THANK YOU and Happy VETERANS DAY. Your sacrifices and duty of service have given us the freedoms we so freely exercise every single day. The price of freedom is not free. Thank you! Thank a veteran today and show your appreciation. #CPSZEBRAPRIDE #USPRIDE -Bryan Frazier Supt CPS
over 5 years ago, Bryan Frazier
Students in Mrs. Smith's 7th Grade Geography class at WRJH, are investigating the disappearance of the Aral Sea in Central Asia by analyzing data from text, maps, graphs, photographs, and charts. When students finish this project they will understand that water diverted for irrigation or other purposes can have a direct impact on the environment, including environments that cross international boundaries. In the case of the Aral Sea, beginning in 1954, the Soviet Union irrigated the rivers supplying the sea with water in order to bring water to their cotton crops in the Kara Kum Desert. This irrigation caused devastating and almost irreversible harm to the environment and economy of the countries of Kazakstan and Uzbekistan. #CPSZEBRAPRIDE
over 5 years ago, CPS Communications
Geography at WRJH
Geography at WRJH
Geography at WRJH
Geography at WRJH
Variety keeps kids engaged, excited, and full of anticipation of what is coming next. Mrs. Seidel is keeping the kids mentally and physically motivated during PE. She had some RSU Soccer players come to visit, floor pong, pyramid building, and Master Beaven in the house. #CPSZEBRAPRIDE
over 5 years ago, CPS Communications
Physical Education at Catalayah
Mrs Newbury and Mrs Dixon’s classes tried out a curling activity to introduce the ideas of friction and gravity. #CPSZEBRAPRIDE
over 5 years ago, CPS Communications
WRJH Students learning about gravity
WRJH Students learning about gravity
WRJH Students learning about gravity
WRJH Students learning about gravity
Our National Junior Honor Society members served our teachers and staff dinner during parent/teacher conferences last month. NJHS is an international student organization that consists of chapters in middle schools that elevate a school's commitment to the values of scholarship, service, leadership, character, and citizenship. #CPSZEBRAPRIDE
over 5 years ago, CPS Communications
National Junior Honor Society
CHS Band gets a Superior rating in the OSSAA State Marching Band Contest. Nothing says #CPSZEBRAPRIDE like a “superior” marching band! “I AM” proud of all your hard work!
over 5 years ago, CPS Communications
Superior Band
Catalayah's STEAM Club began this week. Mrs. Hall incorporated math and science into a string art project. In 2020 each elementary school will have a STEM lab laying the foundation for the STEM program that is part of the #ZEBRABOND2019 plan. #CPSZEBRAPRIDE #StrongSchoolStrongCommunityZebraStrong
over 5 years ago, CPS Communications
Catalayah STEM Club begins
Catalayah STEM Club begins
Catalayah STEM Club begins
Catalayah STEM Club begins
State Teacher of the Year finalist and she still has a passion for perfecting her craft. "Great training today with Tulsa Regional STEM Alliance & USNA STEM learning how to build SeaPerch underwater vessels." - Michelle Rahn. Building relationships is a key factor in the process of collaboration. She ran into a few friends from OK-SciMath Leadership & fellow TOY finalist! #CPSZEBRAPRIDE
over 5 years ago, CPS Communications
“Words make you think. Music makes you feel. A song makes you feel a thought.” ― Yip Harburg Twenty-five CPS students from WRJH and CHS made the Northeastern Choral Directors Association All-District Honor Choir. 7th - 9th grade choir: Addie Hammer, Caden Miller, Brooklyn Doonkeen, Austin Day, DaShon Wise, Bryce Urban, Gabe Holmberg, Eli Fouse, Bobby Ruth, Mattie Long, Lacey Arthur, and Brooklyn Buechler 10th - 12th grade choir: Caroline Crum, Emalee Ruth, Max Stadler, Keith Wiginton, Riley Renfroe, Faith Morrissey, Jordan Lyons, Lauren Worley, Shon Wise, Teah Ellard, Kaitlyn Pinkerton, Mattie Long, Kate Bainbridge, and Natalie Schubert
over 5 years ago, CPS Communications
25 CPS students make the NCDA All District Honor Choir
25 CPS students make the NCDA All District Honor Choir
Congratulations to three of our senior cheerleaders: Audrey Braucher, Sydney Callender, and Jayla Hurt for making the All-Region cheer team. Thirty-two girls tried out, and only 16 make the team. They will move on to All-state tryouts on November 20th.
over 5 years ago, CPS Communications
CHS Cheerleaders Make All Region Cheer Team
Follow your instinct - save lives. Navy JROTC program at CHS is hosting their OBI Blood Drive November 25th in the Robson PAC Lobby from 8:30AM - 2:30PM. You can schedule an appointment by contacting Commander Estabrook at 918.519.4605 or email him at #CPSZEBRAPRIDE
over 5 years ago, CPS Communications
Blood Drive November 25th
Mrs. Townsend's kindergarten class at Catalayah is learning about expectation #1- We will value one another as unique and special individuals. They colored Elmer the Elephant and got to see how they are all so special and unique!!! #CPSZEBRAPRIDE
over 5 years ago, CPS Communications
Catalayah Pre-K learns about Expectation #
Catalayah Pre-K learns about Expectation #1
Catalayah Pre-K learns about Expectation #
Catalayah Pre-K learns about Expectation #
Showing their #CPSZEBRAPRIDE are our WRJH Students of the Month for October: Caroline Lee - 7th grade Gage Brooner - 8th grade Lisa Karamitis - 6th grade
over 5 years ago, CPS Communications
WRJH Students of the Month
Claremore High School Student Council members have been participating in the OSCA State Convention since Sunday. This year's theme is RISE - because we rise when we serve others. We can't wait to see what they bring home to share with our student body. #CPSZEBRAPRIDE
over 5 years ago, CPS Communications
2019 OASC State Convention
2019 OASC State Convention
Catalayah students in 3rd-5th grade enjoyed learning about the Native American Heritage. They heard stories, try the blow dart guns and played stick ball. #CPSZEBRAPRIDE
over 5 years ago, CPS Communications
Native American Days at Catalayah
Happy Birthday to Will Rogers a "legendary American cowboy, vaudeville performer, humorist, newspaper columnist, social commentator, and stage and motion picture actor. He was born in Oklahoma in 1879 as the son of a prominent Cherokee Nation family, and maintained close ties with the native American population throughout his life." - Will Rogers Museum FB page. #CPSZEBRAPRIDE
over 5 years ago, CPS Communications
Celebrating Will Rogers
WRJH Cheer takes the Championship trophy at the BA Celebrity Cheer and Dance Championship! They 'dazzled' the crowd and the judges! Looks like their #CPSZEBRAPRIDE runs deep. Keep up the hard work! NOTE: A group of zebras is called a dazzle. It is named for the motion dazzle effect created by a group of running zebras.
over 5 years ago, CPS Communications
WRJH Cheer Champions